Mentor Coaches

Introducing New Mentor Coach Certification Programs!


Hello!  I am Fran Fisher, Master Certified Coach.

I am pleased to introduce two new Certified Mentor Coach programs that include professional directories as valuable resources for those of you looking for coaching mentors.  Whether you’re advancing through the ICF credentialing levels or are eager to develop more advanced coaching skills, you’ve come to the right place to find a mentor to support your vision and your efforts.

If you are interested in becoming a mentor coach, you’ll find more information on the Advanced Certified Mentor Coach (ACMC) program page.  You can always reach out to me if you have questions about whether that program would be a good fit for you.

If you are a master coach and interested in peer support and an advanced learning community, the Wisdom Way Certified Mentor Coach (WWCMC) Collaborative offers the opportunity to engage and collaborate with your peers and explore greater possibilities.  The Wisdom Way Certified Mentor Coach (WWCMC) Collaborative program page provides more details.

I’m excited to share these new programs with you and proud to introduce these masterful certified coaches via their individual listings in the professional directories on my webite.  These highly skilled mentor coaches can guide, support, and empower you on your own professional coaching journey.  I think you’ll be inspired by the mastery that these mentor coaches have achieved and can share with you!

Inspiration and Vision

I’d also like to tell you why I was inspired to develop these programs as part of my own life vision, and how you might use these mentor coach programs to achieve your own vision of mastery – for your profession and your life.

As a professional coach and personally, I have sought to continually develop my skills and abilities in mastering the art of coaching and expand my spiritual capacity for letting go of ego attachments¾envisioning a bigger concept that is global in nature and yet personal to each individual:  to live a rich and fulfilling life, living true to their essence, life purpose, and values.  I believe this is what the world needs of us—to be true to ourselves—and that coaching is the contribution we can make for this transformation in our world.

The Power of Mentorship

My heart is always been drawn to mentorship as a means to empower others to achieve their visions for their lives.  It’s where I started in the coaching profession.  And, I still believe that it’s not only possible but enormously helpful when others see what might be achieved by defining their own visions for life and actually living that vision.

During my years of service as a master coach associated with ICF, I have been privileged to serve as an ICF assessor and a coach mentor, supporting other coaches in their journeys to achieve ICF accreditation and to deepen and strengthen their understanding of the impact coaching can have in their own lives and the lives of their clients.

Coaching Mastery

As coaches, I believe we have a responsibility to ourselves and to our clients to be the best we can be, to develop ourselves in ways that are both fulfilling and useful to mankind.  It has never been more important to do so than today – we can impact our world and everyone living in it by being authentic, empathetic, kind, wise, and generous in service to each other and the greater good.

In addition to supporting coaching mastery, I am so pleased to offer two professional directories of mentor coaches who have been certified as mentor coaches through the programs I developed.  These mentor coaches are aligned with the concepts I’ve described above and are committed to supporting other coaches in achieving coaching mastery, both professionally and personally.

The Advanced Certified Mentor Coach Program and ACMC Directory

The Advanced Certified Mentor Coach Training (ACMC) program offers advanced mastery skills training.  You can find out more on the Advanced Certified Mentor Coach Training program page here

The ACMC Directory lists masterful coaches who have been certified through that training program, which was created specifically for coaches who have attained the ICF PCC or MCC level and want to share their knowledge and experience with other professional coaches through mentoring.

Wisdom Way Certified Mentor Coach Collaborative Program and WWCMC Directory

The Wisdom Way Certified Mentor Coach (WWCMC) Collaborative is a community of peers — ICF MCC-certified coach mentors who are passionate about continuous learning, personal growth, and making a transformational impact in the world of coaching and mentoring.  This Collaborative is an intimate learning community that supports its members’ professional growth in consulting, coaching, mentoring, training, and more.  Learn more about this dynamic peer group on the WWCMC program page.

WWCMC Directory lists these MCC coaches who have completed the Wisdom Way Coaching Mastery program and are committed to supporting other MCC coaches who are also seeking greater coaching and life mastery.

“Thank you so much, Fran.  This certificate and badge mean a lot to me.
I am delighted to have invested in this learning experience with you.
Your wisdom, generosity, humility, heart…what a gift to the coaching community!”

Rhonda Margolis, PCC

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