Unleash Your Possibilities


You must give birth to your images.  They are the future waiting to be born…  Fear not the strangeness you feel.
The future must enter you long before it happens.  Just wait for the birth, for the hour of new clarity.

—Rainier Maria Rilke


What Is The Key To Unleashing Your Possibilities?

When you learn to honor the clarity of your I AM essential nature, personal vision, life purpose, and core values, you will begin to experience a state of synchronicity, with greater ease and flow.  New possibilities will emerge.  With the confidence that comes with your clarity, you will

Step forward more boldly

Take more risks

Build on your strengths

Expand your capacities for more energy, more creativity, greater joy, increased prosperity, and well-being

In the new world you will have created—Your New Story—fulfillment and satisfaction will become your greatest achievements.  In my coaching career, I have witnessed hundreds of unforeseen and seemingly extraordinary events unfold for people from unexpected sources and directions.  Johann Wolfgang von Goethe reflected this phenomenon when he said:  “Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.  Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.  Begin it now.”

Unleashing your greatest possibilities happens naturally because you are actively living aligned with your values and true to your Essential Self.


Diana – Beyond Imagination

Diana hated her job and wanted to make a career change. She was a registered nurse. If she could have, she would have quit in a heartbeat, but she was a single woman living alone and needed the steady income.

We began her coaching process by discovering her vision, purpose, and values.

Vision:  I AM a radiant and vibrant human being, personifying the process of spiritual re-birth with creativity and playfulness.

My Purpose is to enjoy being—to experience my magical journey with passion, zest, and adventure—to share my journey playfully.

With this essential clarity, we brainstormed ideas for what she would enjoy as a career.  Some of her ideas were: sales rep for a health products manufacturer, professional clown, travel agent, and TV actress.  We ended up with a list of her six strongest possibilities.

Then we designed an action plan for exploring each of them.  The coaching over a period of several months consisted of Diana exploring these possibilities.  Through a process of noticing what fit for her values, interest, and passion, over time, she eliminated all but one.   The one that remained with the most passion and best fit was professional clown.


Possibility of Being a Clown

Diana had a engaging “knock ’em dead” smile and a fun-loving, artistic, creative personality with movie-star-beauty.  From time to time, she would land a contract for a TV commercial, but her work schedule at the county agency prohibited her ability to get to the auditions.  She loved the acting and it brought in extra money.

Now that she had set her sights on becoming a professional clown, she needed the time to go to clown school.  In the San Francisco area where she lived, there was a world-renowned clown school.  It was located virtually right in her back yard, but she couldn’t get to the classes due to her work schedule.

Again, we brainstormed options. The best solution was to search for a nursing position with flex time so she could accommodate the clown school class schedule.  Over the next few weeks, our coaching focused on the job search process, brushing up and distributing her resume, and following through with interviews.


Don’t be a Victim of Your Circumstances

Happily, she was offered a job with a large hospital system as a flex time nurse.  She accepted the job, and gave notice at the county agency.  Two weeks after her last day at the agency, Diana came to the coaching session excited. “Fran, now that I am out of that place, I realize it isn’t the nursing that I hate after all.  It was the environment at the county agency that I hated!”

What she realized in that coaching session was this: if she had quit her job in the heat of her reaction, she would have “thrown the baby out with the bathwater.”  With this insight, she calmed down.  The sense of urgency that had been driving her was now gone. Her perspective shifted.  She could let go of feeling like a victim of her circumstances and actually enjoy her new nursing job that would support her to achieve her goal of becoming a professional clown.

About three months later, Diana’s clowning classwork involved inventing her clown persona and designing her costume.  Diana had been sharing her process with her new friends at work, and one day her new supervisor called her into the office and invited her to suit up and come to work the next day for a special event in the children’s ward.  She would get paid that day for her nursing while,  as she put it, “I will get paid that day for ‘clowning around’ while I am nursing!”

A few months later, her supervisor offered her a full-time position as a clown nurse.  When Diana shared this amazing news with me, we celebrated the fact that in the beginning neither one of us imagined such a possibility existed.   The magic unfolded out of her commitment to living her passion and trusting the process for getting there.

When we honor our vision, purpose, and values, trust the process, take courageous steps forward, and act on our commitment, new possibilities will emerge that didn’t even exist before in our consciousness.   We couldn’t have known about those possibilities from our limited view.