Fran Fisher - WWCMC Directory

Photo of Fran Fisher

Fran Fisher

MCC Fran Fisher Coach

Biographical Info

Fran Fisher is a Master Certified Coach, visionary leader, international speaker, and published author. She specializes in mentoring experienced coaches for their MCC accreditation. In addition to her own coaching business, Fran is the Director of the Wisdom Way Mentor Coach Collaboration and Advanced Certified Mentor Coach Training programs.

Fran is recognized internationally as one of our pioneers for coaching. She founded one of the first coach training schools accredited by the International Coach Federation, served as a founding ICF Executive Board member as Chair of the Credentialing Development Committee, and she has been serving as an ICF credentialing assessor since 1998.  In 2022, Fran received the honor of the highly esteemed ICF Circle of Distinction Award.

Fran’s vision is a world where everyone is enjoying a rich and fulfilling life, living true to their essence, life purpose, and values. She believes this is what the world needs of us—to be true to ourselves—and that coaching is the contribution we can make for this transformation in our world.

Credentials / Education

Master Certified Coach (MCC) from International Coaching Federation (ICF)

Special Focus

Wisdom Way Certified Mentor Coach MCC Mentoring

Social Media

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